What exactly is TicketsTickets? is a service for small organizations from churches, schools, charities and small businesses which allows them to easily and inexpensively sell tickets to their events online.

Who can sell tickets on TicketsTickets?
Any organization putting on an event with General Admission (non-reserved seating) tickets to sell.

Can we sell reserved (numbered) seats on TicketsTickets?
No, only General Admission tickets. If your event is large enough to have reserved seating, you're probably a candidate for Ticketmaster.

Do I have to have an ecommerce enabled website to sell tickets on TicketsTickets?
No, we take care of all that for you.

Does TicketsTickets deliver the tickets?
Not at this time.

Is there a set up fee to sell tickets on TicketsTickets?
No, only small fees when something is sold.

Are there user fees for buyers like on Ticketmaster?
No, we're the good guys.

Who gets the money from ticket sales?
The organization selling the tickets, less the small transaction fees involved.

Who handles refunds to ticket buyers?
The seller.

Does TicketsTickets sell or otherwise pass around my personal information if I buy tickets on TicketsTickets?
Not on your life! See our Privacy Policy.

Can I advertise on TicketsTickets even if my company doesn't have ticketed events?
If it's relevent to the overall event business and tastefully done.

Can I sell tickets on TicketsTickets even if my organization doesn't advertise on it?
You bet! Come one, come all. Sell your tickets through!

Where do you recommend we advertise our events to get the greatest exposure for ticket sales?
For events in and around San Antonio, we recommend

Does TicketsTickets have the capability to sell e-tickets (printable tickets) for our events?
Yes, this is something that requires additional set up on the merchant's part so give us a call to discuss your particular situation.

Can we use our manual/card-swipe credit card machine to charge for the tickets we sell on TicketsTickets?

Do we need to have our own online merchant account to sell tickets on TicketsTickets?
Nope, we take care of that for you.

We are a small organization with only one or two events per year that we sell tickets for and then only a few hundred tickets total. Are we too small to use TicketsTickets?
Not a problem. You can sell tickets, seats for a luncheon, tables for events or any other way you can think to charge for your event.   If you want, you can sell hot dogs and popcorn...

Are we restricted to where we or the event is located?
For now, everything needs to reside within the boundries of the United States.

Does TicketsTickets have actual, live, air-breathers we can talk to if we have questions?
Sure, just give us a call if you have urgent questions or suggestions.


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